Near Callanna Station, South Australia, 2023. C Type photograph, 59.4 x 84.1 cm

Christopher Rimmer’s Outback Opus Set for 2024 Release.

Christopher Rimmer’s much anticipated new body of work entitled, Remnant – the Tragedy of Lost Significance, will be exhibited in the first quarter of 2024.

Photographed on location in the harsh and unforgiving wilderness of Outback Australia, the exhibition comprises twenty-five, large scale, C type, photographs, throughout which Rimmer attempts to establish a thematic thread connecting progress and endeavour with arrogance and hubris, whilst at the same time producing a series of undeniably beautiful and highly striking photography.

Christopher Rimmer on location in Outback Australia in 2023.

As 2023 draws to a close and global events suggest once again that civilisation is beset by a new postmodern epoch of human failure, Rimmer’s exploration of the connecting tissue that binds progress and aspiration with futility and destruction, poses questions that require answers never more urgently than they do now.

The Tragedy of Lost Significance, Image 24, C Type Photograph, 84 x 118cm.

Christopher Rimmer, Remnant, the Tragedy of Lost Significance will be shown by Melbourne art dealer, Angela Tandori at Art and Collectors Gallery Level 1/165 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy Victoria‎, in Melbourne, Australia Tel: +61 0499 184 964. Hand signed, limited edition prints from the series will be available for purchase through a secure payment portal on the galleries website at:

Christopher Rimmer, Remnant – The Tragedy of Lost Significance.